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ITIL 4 Service Value Chain Activities, Output & Outcome: Comprehensive Guide

Sandeep Kottiyattil
Sandeep Kottiyattil

Last updated 25/05/2023

ITIL 4 Service Value Chain Activities, Output & Outcome: Comprehensive Guide

The ITIL 4 Service Value Chain (SVC) is the centerpiece of the Service Value System (SVS) which has all the key exercises, which are needed to be performed for achieving the service value through the service results (yields) and outputs. 

The ITIL Service Value Chain characterizes six key exercises that can be consolidated from numerous points of view, framing different worth streams. The Service Value Chain is adaptable enough to be adjusted to numerous methodologies, including DevOps and brought together IT, to address the requirement for various models of administration the executives. The flexibility of the worth chain empowers associations to respond to changing requests from their partners in the best and productive manner. (Ref: ITIL4 book from AXELOS®)

The 6 ITIL 4 Service Value Chain Activities are:

  • Plan
  • Improve
  • Engage
  • Design & Transition
  • Obtain / Build
  • Deliver & Support

Association sustenance and achievement rely on the manner in which it reacts to various situations. Building up a Service Value Stream by setting up a particular blend of exercises and practices for a particular circumstance is significant. The worth stream must be characterized and intended to suit the particular situation and needs to give total direction to the jobs, rehearses and exercises needed to address the necessities of the activity or for settling an issue (or issues). 

The various blends of the different practices characterized with a specific explicit arrangement of exercises are performed all through the Service Value chain. ITIL®4 characterizes 34 practices, which are named General management practices, Service Management practices, and Technical Management practices. The exercises are performed by in-house and outsider assets with explicit abilities and capacities (aptitudes and capabilities) for the practices characterized to achieve the worth.

 Take HR Management Services as an example.

An HR Management of an association should build up the worth chain across different administrations gave by them like Employee commitment, Training and Development, Career Management, Employee Retention, Conflict Management, Claims Management, and so forth Accept a situation, where the association has chosen to present an intranet application which would merge and offer all the assistance through this entry. 

This requires improvement and management of an application which includes conceptualization, business investigation, advancement, delivery, and backing. The association needs to build up various practices that are upheld with specific assets and procedures.

This includes:

  • The advancement of the HR application begins with introductory commitment with different partners in the association, at that point continue to business examination, prototyping, drawing up the plans, improvement, testing, and ultimately to delivery and backing. That is, Engage, Design and Transition, acquire and construct and convey exercises of administration esteem chain. 
  • Further, while the application is live and workers begin utilizing the application, it is needed to convey and support to continue and improve the exhibition of the HR application. 
  • While the application is delivered and sent, it is utilized by workers. It is additionally critical to design and improves the HR benefits persistently.

The foundation of value streams occurs through a mix of practices and worth chain exercises differently. This must be improved by improving utility and guarantee of items and administrations and by expanding the possible incentive for the shoppers and the association. 

Further, it is significant for the association to have the option to adjust to the evolving conditions. This would include changing the utility and guarantee parts of items and administrations by which the association can generally adjust and satisfy the client prerequisites in the advanced unique world. 

ITIL®4 considers the necessities of getting Agile and accentuation on receiving the Agile method of doing IT Service Management in the present-day administration climate. The Agile Manifesto was announced during the year 2001, by the seventeen signatories, which are recognized and embraced over the IT Industry. It suggested the new methodologies which help in improving the client experience through better cooperation and the capacity to bring the progressions quickly which would suit the changing client/buyer requests.

  • This is needed to be embraced in the situations where; 
  • The prerequisites of the client continue shifting because of the changing conditions of the market and customer practices. 
  • It is needed to move rapidly in short emphases.
  • There is an accentuation on creating the working modules to improve the presentation.
  • While framing a self-putting together group having perceivability towards start to finish image of the administration/items. 
  • While guaranteeing cooperation among the groups through obvious frameworks like Kanban, everyday stand-up gatherings, and so forth.

Hope this example is clear to all. Now, let’s look at the components of a Service Value Chain, shall we?

What are the valid components of the ITIL 4 service value chain?

The SVC exercises cooperating, as one sets up the Service Value Stream. Every one of the SVC exercises guarantees a novel commitment and supplements each other in service value chain action. They build up a particular blend of exercises, cycles, and rehearses and include different various kinds of assets. Every movement has explicit destinations, and these goals adjust to esteem stream enablement. All the exercises have an explicit arrangement of data sources and an explicit arrangement of outputs. 

The SVC exercises are Plan, Improve, Engage, Design and Transition, Obtain/Build and Deliver and Support.

  1. Plan:

The services and products being conveyed by an association would have a proposed reason and address explicit destinations. This would be consistently in arrangement to the vision and heading of the association, as set up by the administering body of an association. The plan value chain activity needs to guarantee the correct comprehension of the vision, its present status, and improvement for all the four measurements and all items and administrations over the association. 

The inputs and outputs for the exercises come from (and go to) other worth chain exercises like draw in, improve, plan and change, get/assemble, and administering body.


  • Administering body gives strategy, prerequisite and imperative (For instance: The material approaches for HR administrations, which are to be trailed by the representatives of the association) 
  • The subtleties of interest, opportunity, outsider assistance segments structure connect with (For instance: Demand can be communicated like, number of representatives utilizing the intranet entryway, opportunity can be an improvement which can be brought into the association by utilizing gateway administrations, outsider help can be internet providers, facilitating administrations and so on) 
  • Improvement activities, esteem chain execution data, plans, improvement status are given by improving (For Example Plan for improving the creation by sparing time used to submit claims, give the uniform insight over the worker network, giving open door by making a learning module as a component of HR Portal and so on) 
  • Insights regarding new or changed administrations or items are given by plan and progress, get/assemble exercises


  • Vital, strategic, and operational plans (Here the vital arrangement is to improve the proficiency and adequacy of the association in general, strategic at the administration level and activity at exchange level) 
  • Portfolio choices for plan and progress (Defined rundown of administrations which can be benefited through the HR administration entry and their plan and change outlines) 
  • Structures and approaches for plan and change (Defined rundown of engineering or arrangement, mechanical, MIS and apparatuses, measures, estimation strategies and measurements and so forth, for HR administration gateway) 
  • Improvement openings (Identified rundown of upgrades which are tended to through the new arrangement for example HR administration entryway) 
  • Agreement and understanding prerequisites for lock-in. (The characterized rundown of agreement and arrangements expected to set up the HR entryway administrations like Under-sticking agreements, for the administration gave by outer providers like web access suppliers, AMC administrations, facilitating administrations, and so on)


   2. Improve

All the services/products perform at specific levels and they should be enhanced a nonstop premise. Improvement isn't one collapsed, it is multi-collapsed. That is, improving the cycles, rehearses, administrations, items, singular abilities etc. are fundamental. These requirements thought of the relative multitude of four components of the service management. 

The information inputs and outputs for the exercises come from (and go to) other worth chain exercises like connect with, plan and change, acquire/fabricate, convey and backing, and all the value chain exercises.


  • Data and information about the product and administration execution from conveying and uphold (While the HR Portal administrations are given and profited by workers, the exhibition of the administrations must be checked and estimated, which uncovers and gives experiences towards occasions to improve) 
  • Criticism from partners through draw in (Engaging with partners like representatives of the association who are utilizing the HR Service entryway, businesses who have contributed, and so on), can help in understanding the commitment or accomplishment of the proposed goals and further ad-libbing it. The criticism from partners will likewise include sharing the open doors for development. 
  • Execution data and improvement openings gave by all worth chain exercises (As the service advances through the service life cycle, the coordination among the different exercises, measures, rehearses, and so on, would give the data about the enhancements required. For instance: if the accommodation of a solicitation done by a representative is taking a specific measure of time and one reason for it is filling the format while raising the solicitation, at that point, this is an occasion to improve the cycle by advancing the number of sources of info required and guaranteeing the decrease so as to present the solicitation.) 
  • Information and data about outsider help segments from lock-in. (The presentation estimation of network access used to get to the HR Portal administrations would help in upgrading or expanding the network access transfer speed to improve the administration experience flawlessly.)


  • The improvement openings/activities recognized and the designs to achieve those enhancements with prioritization considering all the worth chain exercises 
  • Assessing, creating, and sharing the exhibition of significant worth chain exercises 
  • Creating and sharing the improvement status reports of all the worth chain exercises 
  • Offer the support execution data for esteem chain exercises like plan and change.


   3. Engage

The service can be named as fruitful when the partners understand the worth. Worth is constantly characterized by the client viewpoint. In any case, the need for a multitude of partners can't be overlooked. The worth acknowledgment is basic and really at that time the utility and guarantee characterized would bode well. 

While the services are devoured, one needs to build up a system to get mindful about the administration's esteem creation and affirmation of significant worth acknowledgment. To achieve this, it is exceptionally fundamental to draw in with the partners constantly for example client, shoppers, providers, groups, and so forth This will help in acquiring a decent comprehension of the necessities of partners and will make straightforwardness and build up a decent connection with the partners.


  • The whole rundown of the arrangement of product and service, given by plans like cases administrations, aptitude improvement, representative commitment, leave and participation the executives, clinical cases, etc. for the HR entry administration portrayed before. 
  • The subtleties of interest recognized and surveyed for administrations and items gave by interior and outer clients like representatives, the board, HR chiefs, and so on Distinguishing administrations routinely profited by clients of the administrations (like leave), and those benefited at times (clinical case) and so on 
  • The nitty-gritty rundown of prerequisites gave by clients which must be satisfied by administrations and items. For instance, on the occasion of the HR gateway benefits, the rundown of upgrades distinguished and settled upon. Criticism on current execution of the administrations and recognized open doors for development and so on 
  • Event of episodes (for example disappointment of administrations or administration part) and how rapidly the reclamation of administrations occurred throughout some undefined time frame and occurrence goal execution and so on, with the goal that workers can keep on utilizing the HR entry administrations. 
  • Data on the finishing of client uphold undertakings from conveyance and backing for example occurrences, client inquiries, access prerequisites, data of conveyed administrations, and so forth 
  • Drawing in with accomplices and providers and assessing their exhibition through the setup collaboration and getting criticism, agreement, and arrangement and so forth 
  • Catching the information and data about the new and changed items and administrations from plan and progress, and acquire/construct, convey and uphold, about outsider help segments from providers and accomplices and so forth, and delivering the improvement status report consistently.


  • A merged perspective on the requests and open doors for the item or administrations necessities all through the value chain exercises for example plan and progress, convey and uphold, get and assemble which includes prerequisites of items and administrations, errands for client uphold, demand for change upheld through agreements and arrangement set up with accomplices and providers separately. 
  • The captured knowledge and information about third-party service components add to the entirety of the value chain exercises over the service life cycle. 
  • Reports portraying the administration execution all through the service value chain.

4. Design & Transition

The design and transition activities of the service value chain guarantee, meeting the targets and desires of the partners by planning and changing the service and products according to the necessary cost, quality, and time perspectives. Plan and progress need to think about all the four components of the items and administrations for example individuals and association, Information and Technology, value stream and cycle, and accomplices and providers.  

Delivering the services and products to advertise in time is a significant factor to guarantee the usage of the administrations and items. In our illustration of HR entry administrations, if there is a postponement in presenting the gateway benefits, the worth acknowledgment will delay. Further, the necessary quality perspectives like product highlights, functionalities, and execution need to meet the characterized desires and must be delivered inside the characterized financial plan. Plan and change need to legitimize the absolute expense of proprietorship. 

The data sources and yields for the exercises come from (and goes to) other value chain exercises like draw in, acquire/assemble, convey and uphold, accomplices and provider, and all the improvement activities.


  • The choice caught in the arrangement for the arrangement of services and products, which gives approaches, models, administration necessities, improvement activities, and so forth 
  • The subtleties of the product's presentation status revealed (both for development, change actualized, and execution of the item in a creation climate), and so forth 
  • Execution of the service and products provided from the accomplice and providers, their insight, and data.


  • Meaning of the multitude of necessities and details for getting/fabricating 
  • All the agreement and arrangement like Service Level Agreement, Operation Level Agreements 
  • Supporting agreements catching the prerequisites which might be required for successful commitment. 
  • Delivering the new and changed services and products conveyance and backing, their insight and data. 
  • Data needed for the development of execution through recognized improvement openings and current execution data


5. Obtain / Build

The obtain/build action of value chain centers around gaining the assets needed to assemble the administrations, fabricate them (arrange and actualize), coordinate, test and affirm the exhibition, which must be in accordance with the detail set up in structures (for example arrangement design, innovation engineering, necessities set up and so on) 

As a feature of obtaining/build, all the segments gained are tried at segment level first and at the following degree of mix till the administration or item accomplishes the prerequisites. 

The inputs and outputs for the exercises come from (and go to) other worth chain exercises like connect with, plan and progress, convey and uphold, accomplices and provider, and all the improvement activities.


  • The definite designs and approaches, contracts/concurrences with accomplices and providers (both interior and outer to the association), merchandise and ventures provided, necessities and details, activities are taken for development, and their status 
  • Further, proposed changes, change demands raised to improve the presentation or alter the highlights of the administrations or items 
  • The nitty-gritty information and data about new or changed administrations and items and the outsider assistance segments provided from provider or accomplice.


  • Service and service components for plan and progress and convey and uphold 
  • The point by point data and information about the new or changed service or service components.
  • The agreement and arrangement prerequisites for compelling assistance commitment 
  • Data about the exhibition and distinguished open doors for the development of service and products


7. Deliver & Support

The value chain action conveys and bolsters center around conveying the administrations or items to the clients and guarantees that they are upheld all through their life cycle. It is basic to guarantee that clients understand the worth required. Here all the administration activities performed must be engaged towards giving the uniform client experience and furthermore look for the open doors for enhancements constantly. 


  • The new and changed services and products, agreements and arrangements, administration parts. 
  • Improvement activities, plans, and improvement status reports 
  • All the client uphold errands, data, and information about the new or changed administrations, third party services, and service components


  • The conveyed services (and their data) to clients and purchasers 
  • Data and information about the presentation of services and products about the fulfillment of client uphold assignments for connect with, recognized open doors for upgrades and so forth


So that was all about the service value chain model.

Want to know about the other aspects of ITIL 4? Join our ITIL 4 courses, and know all about it!

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About Author

He is a passionate Agile Scrum professional with 16 years of industry experience and has been noticed by corporate giants in the field of Scaled Agile consultation. He has been crowned with so many certifications including Certified Scrum Master, ITIL V3 Expert, PRINCE2 Practitioner, and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. Besides delivering consultation to complicated Scrum related problems, he excels in writing about CSM consulting & implementation, GAP Analysis, ISO Audits, Process, and Service Improvement using Lean Six Sigma, Process Definition, Implementation & Compliance, Process hygiene (ISO 20000), Quality assurance & program governance.


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